Partial, a wall mounted light with adaptable for lighting and communicative desires.
Paper (bristol, printer paper), thumb tacs, aluminum sculpture wire
4 weeks
4 weeks
Light is an evocative environmental force. Temperature, height of the source, type of diffusion, etc all play a role in the kind of environment that lighting sets. How can these factors be harnessed to create a lighting fixture that welcomes interaction outside of an on or off state, and conveys openness to visitors and conversation.Constraints:
Limited to paper and minimal other structural materials, the object must appear reliable and able to be touched and changed. Like natural human states of being, this light should also offer multiple states, letting it accomodate rather than be static.Exploration

Paper offers rigidity in construction, different transparencies, tints, textures, stocks, and compositions.
I was interest in an intergrated piece in environment providing warm, moody lighting.
Topics of exploration:
- interaction with artifact to convey mood/open-ness to interaction (beacons as a symbol)
- attachment to wall? without any serious hardware
- kinds of adhesives that work best for something that needs to be fairly robust
Key Takeaways:
- Being intentinal with craft and construction
- Light shining through the paper showcased how everything was put together, every layer, every seam was shown. Care for craft showed here.
- An iterative process building on the same foundation moved quickly and provide immediate feedback
- Glue-All and Tacky Glue are great glues